Congratulations to the City of Prince George for receiving the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) 2018 Don Rennie Memorial Award for Excellence in Government Public Relations in recognition of its communications efforts to support the city's 2017 Referendum. The Don Rennie Memorial Award is presented annually and recognizes outstanding team achievement in developing and executing a strategic approach to government communications on a specific issue. In addition to the efforts of staff, the communication effort was assisted greatly by local companies such as Splash Media Group, 6ix Sigma Productions and Signtek Graphics & Sign Shop.
B.1 Report: Adoption of Minutes Attachment: Minutes of Special Council Meeting held May 23, 2018 Attachment: Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held May 28, 2018
Attachment: Council Voting Summary for May 28, 2018 RECOMMENDATION: That the minutes of the special Council meeting held May 23, 2018 and the regular Council meeting held May 28, 2018 BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at those meetings and fully and properly record all of the resolutions and bylaws passed and adopted by Council at those meetings.
C.1 Organization: BC Hydro Presenter(s): Mark Alexander, Project Manager and Sabrina Locicero, Stakeholder Engagement Advisor Topic: Peace to Kelly Lake Capacitors Project (PKCP) Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
1. Information from Administration
2. Presentation by Applicant
3. Representations by Members of Gallery
4. Resolution on granting of permit
D.1 Subject: Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000037 Applicant: Peter Ziemer for Brookwood Properties Inc., Inc. No. 762283 Location: 1727 Nicholson Street Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Temporary Use Permit No. TU000037 RECOMMENDATION: That Council DENY Temporary Use Permit No. TU000037 for the property legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 936, Cariboo District, Plan 21687. D.2 Subject: Variance Permit Application No. VP100499 Applicant: Bryce and Jessie Richardson Location: 3210 Bellamy Road Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Variance Permit No. VP100499 Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100499 Attachment: Exhibit "B" to VP100499 RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Variance Permit No. VP100499 to vary "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described Lot 16, District Lot 4040, Cariboo District, Plan 27198 as follows:
- Vary Section 10.2.6 2. by increasing the maximum height of an accessory development from 5.0 metres to 6.0 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" to VP100499.
D.3 Subject: Variance Permit Application No. VP100501 Applicant: Erik and Janet Van Wijk Location: 2085 Sommerville Road Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Variance Permit No. VP100501 Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100501 Attachment: Exhibit "B" to VP100501 Submission: Petition received June 4, 2018 containing seven (7) names in support of the application RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Variance Permit No. VP100501 to vary "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described Lot B, District Lot 633, Cariboo District, Plan PGP40467 as follows:
- Vary Section 10.1.6 2. by increasing the maximum height of an accessory development from 5.0 metres to 6.5 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" to VP100501.
D.4 Subject: Variance Permit Application No. VP100502 Applicant: Jason and Jennifer Platzer Location: 7875 Latrobe Place Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Variance Permit No. VP100502 Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100502 Attachment: Exhibit "B" to VP100502 Submission: Correspondence dated June 4, 2018 from Michael Allan in support of the application Submission: Correspondence dated June 6, 2018 from Faye Perham in support of the application RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Variance Permit No. VP100502 to vary "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described Lot 34, District Lot 2013, Cariboo District, Plan 22746 as follows:
- Vary Section 10.1.6 2. by increasing the maximum height of an accessory development from 5.0 metres to 5.2 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100502; and
- Vary Section 10.1.5 2. by increasing the maximum site coverage from 30% to 34%, as shown on Exhibit "B" to VP100502.
D.5 Subject: Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100503 Applicant: Jas Raju for Lithium One Homes Ltd., Inc. No. BC0989309 Location: 3668 Parkview Crescent Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Development Variance Permit No. VP100503 Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100503 RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Development Variance Permit No. VP100503 to vary City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 for the property legally described Lot 25, District Lot 2003, Cariboo District, Plan EPP31288 as follows:
- Vary Section 10.2.5 2. by increasing the maximum site coverage from 40% to 42%, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100503; and
- Vary Section 10.2.5 7. by decreasing the minimum rear yard from 6.0 metres to 4.3 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100503.
D.6 Subject: Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100504 Applicant: Randal Hosick for Lesley and Leslie Husband Location: 6369 Berger Crescent Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Development Variance Permit No. VP100504 Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100504 Attachment: Letter of Support dated April 27, 2018 RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Development Variance Permit No. VP100504 to vary "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described as Lot 37, District Lot 4048, Cariboo District, Plan 27722 as follows:
- Vary Section 10.2.5 7. by decreasing the minimum rear yard setback from 6.0 metres to 3.35 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100504.
E.1 Report: 2020 Canadian Masters Badminton Championship Presentation: 2020 Canadian Masters Badminton Championship: April 25 - May 3, 2020 Presenter(s): Lisa Davison and Vonda Hofferd, Co-Chair Correspondence dated June 4, 2018 from Lisa Davison, Chair, 2020 Canadian Masters Nationals Badminton Championship: Request for Resolution in Support of a Grant Application to Northern Development Initiative Trust to host the 2020 Canadian Masters National Badminton Championships RECOMMENDATION:
- That the City of Prince George SUPPORT the application to Northern Development Initiative Trust from the North Central Badminton Academy and the 2020 Canadian Masters Nationals Organization Committee for a grant of up to $20,000 for the 2020 Canada Masters Nationals Championships from the Prince George Regional Development Account; and
- That Council APPROVE a $10,733 contribution to North Central Badminton Academy from the Major Events Reserve, toward hosting the 2020 Canadian Masters Badminton Championship.
E.2 Report: 20th Avenue and Victoria Street Business Improvement Area Society Attachment: Financial Statements of 20th Avenue and Victoria Street Business Improvement Area Society, for the year ended December 31, 2017 Attachment: 2018 Budget for 20th Avenue and Victoria Street Business Improvement Area Society RECOMMENDATION: That Council:
- RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the 20th Avenue and Victoria Street Business Improvement Area Society's Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2017 as attached to the report dated May 28, 2018 from the General Manager of Planning and Development; and
- APPROVE the 20th Avenue and Victoria Street Business Improvement Area Society's 2018 Budget.
E.3 Report: Request for Concurrence - Proposed Freedom Mobile Wireless Communications Facility Applicant: Jason Niles of Prime Site Solutions Inc. for Freedom Mobile Location: 4001 5th Avenue Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Invitation for Community Feedback - Information Package RECOMMENDATION: That Council INSTRUCT the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:
- Freedom Mobile has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
- The City of Prince George is satisfied with Freedom Mobile's public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
- The City of Prince George concurs with Freedom Mobile's proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 29.5 metres tall tripole wireless communication facility and ancillary equipment on 4001 5th Ave (Lot 1, District Lot 2610, Cariboo District, Plan 16227).
E.4 Report: Request for Concurrence - Proposed Freedom Mobile Wireless Communications Facility Applicant: Jason Niles of Prime Site Solutions Inc. for Freedom Mobile Location: 6599 Driftwood Road Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Invitation for Community Feedback - Information Package RECOMMENDATION: That Council INSTRUCT the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:
- Freedom Mobile has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
- The City of Prince George is satisfied with Freedom Mobile's public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
- The City of Prince George concurs with Freedom Mobile's proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 24.0 metres tall monopole wireless communication facility and ancillary equipment on 6599 Driftwood Road (Parcel 1, District Lot 4047, Cariboo District, Plan BCP8052).
E.5 Report: Request for Concurrence - Proposed Freedom Mobile Wireless Communications Facility Applicant: Jason Niles of Prime Site Solutions Inc. for Freedom Mobile Location: 3900 Hart Highway Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Invitation for Community Feedback - Information Package RECOMMENDATION: That Council INSTRUCT the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:
- Freedom Mobile has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
- The City of Prince George is satisfied with Freedom Mobile's public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
- The City of Prince George concurs with Freedom Mobile's proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 29.5 metres tall monopole wireless communication facility and ancillary equipment on 3900 Hart Highway (Lot 1, District Lot 4040, Cariboo District, Plan 11950).
E.6 Report: Request for Concurrence - Proposed Freedom Mobile Wireless Communications Facility Applicant: Jason Niles of Prime Site Solutions Inc. for Freedom Mobile Location: 2601 Recplace Drive Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map Attachment: Invitation for Community Feedback - Information Package RECOMMENDATION: That Council INSTRUCT the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:
- Freedom Mobile has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
- The City of Prince George is satisfied with Freedom Mobile's public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
- The City of Prince George concurs with Freedom Mobile's proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 29.5 metres tall monopole wireless communication facility and ancillary equipment on 2601 Recplace Drive (Lot B, District Lots 8173 and 8180, Cariboo District, Plan EPP31314).
E.7 Report: Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100143 (Bylaw No. 8926, 2018) and Rezoning Application No. RZ100577 (Bylaw No. 8927, 2018) RECOMMENDATION: That Council:
- RESCIND the following resolution passed at item C.4 of the May 2, 2018 regular Council meeting:
- " Moved by Councillor Koehler, seconded by Councillor Krause, that "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8927, 2018", BE GRANTED FINAL READING AND ADOPTION. Carried Unanimously"
- GRANT FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8926, 2018"
- GRANT FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8927, 2018."
E.8 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8927, 2018 (Rescind Final Reading and Adoption) RECOMMENDATION: See Recommendation 1 in Report item E.7
F.1 City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8926, 2018 Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for Aberdeen Glen Developments Ltd. Location: 2962 Northwood Pulpmill Road and 1267 Edinburgh Road RECOMMENDATION: See Recommendation 2 in Report item E.7 F.2 City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8927, 2018 Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for Aberdeen Glen Developments Ltd. Location: 2962 Northwood Pulpmill Road and 1267 Edinburgh Road RECOMMENDATION: See Recommendation 3 in Report item E.7