September 19, 2011 Council
Celebrating Success - 2nd Annual International Students Welcome
Celebrating Success
2nd Annual International Students Welcome»
Item A - Adoption of Agenda
Item A
Adoption of Agenda»
Item B1 - Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100241
APPLICANT: Dennis Cypihot
LOCATION: 3016 Charella Place
Item B1
Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100241APPLICANT: Dennis Cypihot
LOCATION: 3016 Charella Place
Item B2 - Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100242 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)
APPLICANT: Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
LOCATION: 2068 and 2166 Pulpmill Road
Item B2
Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100242 (Motion to Approve Recommendation)APPLICANT: Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
LOCATION: 2068 and 2166 Pulpmill Road
Item B3 - Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100243
APPLICANT: Western Industrial Contractors Ltd for the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
LOCATION: 6995 Dagg Road
Item B3
Staff Report - Development Variance Permit No. VP100243APPLICANT: Western Industrial Contractors Ltd for the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
LOCATION: 6995 Dagg Road
Item C1 - Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100392 (For Information Only)
APPLICANT: Rhonda Seaward
LOCATION: 6885 Domano Boulevard
Location and Existing Zoning Map
8373 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8373, 2011
Item C1
Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100392 (For Information Only)APPLICANT: Rhonda Seaward
LOCATION: 6885 Domano Boulevard
Location and Existing Zoning Map
8373 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8373, 2011
Item D - Regular Council Meeting held August 22, 2011
Item D
Regular Council Meeting held August 22, 2011»
Item E1 - Downtown Incentives Program Partnering Agreement Addendum
Item E1
Downtown Incentives Program Partnering Agreement Addendum»
Item E2 - Northern Development Initiative Trust Overview
Item E2
Northern Development Initiative Trust Overview»
Item E3 - Signing Authority for City Accounts
Item E3
Signing Authority for City Accounts»
Item E4 - Event Hosting Strategy and Action Plan
- Advanced Sport Tourism Workshop Report
Item E4
Event Hosting Strategy and Action Plan- Advanced Sport Tourism Workshop Report
Item E5 - Proposed Downtown Revitalization Development Permit Guidelines
- Downtown Development Permit Area Guidelines
Item E5
Proposed Downtown Revitalization Development Permit Guidelines- Downtown Development Permit Area Guidelines
Items E6 & E7 - E6. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: Shannon Welder for Cheryl Holmgren and Norman Almack
LOCATION: 361 Corless Crescent
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E7. 8368 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8368, 2011
Items E6 & E7
E6. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)APPLICANT: Shannon Welder for Cheryl Holmgren and Norman Almack
LOCATION: 361 Corless Crescent
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E7. 8368 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8368, 2011
Items E8 & E9 - E6. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: Shannon Welder for Cheryl Holmgren and Norman Almack
LOCATION: 361 Corless Crescent
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E7. 8368 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8368, 2011
Items E8 & E9
E6. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100396 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)APPLICANT: Shannon Welder for Cheryl Holmgren and Norman Almack
LOCATION: 361 Corless Crescent
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E7. 8368 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8368, 2011
Items E10 & E11 - E10. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100387 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering for 911408 BC Ltd.
LOCATION: 5877 Leslie Road
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E11. 8362 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8362, 2011
Items E10 & E11
E10. Staff Report - Rezoning Application No. RZ100387 (Motion to Approve Recommendations)APPLICANT: L&M Engineering for 911408 BC Ltd.
LOCATION: 5877 Leslie Road
- Location and Existing Zoning Map
E11. 8362 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8362, 2011
Item E12 - Pedestrian Crossing at 18th Avenue and Soccer Fields
Item E12
Pedestrian Crossing at 18th Avenue and Soccer Fields»
Items F0.1-F3 - F1. 8343 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8343, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd. for BBK Holdings Inc.
LOCATION: 2602 and 2614 Petersen Road
F2. 8359 - City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7281, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 8359, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
F3. 8313 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8313, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd.
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
Items F0.1-F3
F1. 8343 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8343, 2011 (Final Reading)APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd. for BBK Holdings Inc.
LOCATION: 2602 and 2614 Petersen Road
F2. 8359 - City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7281, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 8359, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
F3. 8313 - City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8313, 2011 (Final Reading)
APPLICANT: L&M Engineering Ltd.
LOCATION: 1643 4th Avenue
Item G1 - Notice of Motion from Councillor Skakun - Reporting of Financial Transactions to the Public
Item G1
Notice of Motion from Councillor Skakun - Reporting of Financial Transactions to the Public»
Item H1 - RJ Cooper Group - Neighbourhood Plan and Purchase of Prince George Golf and Curling Club
Item H1
RJ Cooper Group - Neighbourhood Plan and Purchase of Prince George Golf and Curling ClubLink
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