March 26, 2018 Council
B.1 Report: Adoption of Minutes
Attachment: Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held March 5, 2018
Attachment: Council Voting Summary for March 5, 2018
Attachment: Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held March 12, 2018
Attachment: Council Voting Summary for March 12, 2018
RECOMMENDATION: That the minutes of the regular Council meetings held March 5, 2018 and March 12, 2018 BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at those meetings and fully and properly record all of the resolutions and bylaws passed and adopted by Council at those meetings.
Call to Order
B.1 Report: Adoption of Minutes
Attachment: Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held March 5, 2018
Attachment: Council Voting Summary for March 5, 2018
Attachment: Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held March 12, 2018
Attachment: Council Voting Summary for March 12, 2018
RECOMMENDATION: That the minutes of the regular Council meetings held March 5, 2018 and March 12, 2018 BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at those meetings and fully and properly record all of the resolutions and bylaws passed and adopted by Council at those meetings.
Organization: Prince George Chapter of the Kidney Foundation
Presenters: Paul Duperron, Secretary, BC and Yukon Branch, and Paul Ravelle, Vice-President, Prince George Chapter
Topic: Saving Lives Through Organ Donation: Mayors' and Council Members' Community Challenge
Materials: Handout
Item C.1
DELEGATIONSOrganization: Prince George Chapter of the Kidney Foundation
Presenters: Paul Duperron, Secretary, BC and Yukon Branch, and Paul Ravelle, Vice-President, Prince George Chapter
Topic: Saving Lives Through Organ Donation: Mayors' and Council Members' Community Challenge
Materials: Handout
Item C.2 - Organization: Rio Tinto
Presenters: Justus Benckhuysen, Nechako Operations Coordinator, BC Power Operations and Jennifer Campeau, Senior Advisory, Communities and Communications
Topic: Rio Tinto BC Works - Operations Update
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
Item C.2
Organization: Rio TintoPresenters: Justus Benckhuysen, Nechako Operations Coordinator, BC Power Operations and Jennifer Campeau, Senior Advisory, Communities and Communications
Topic: Rio Tinto BC Works - Operations Update
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
D.1 Report: Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (February 2018)
Attachment: Building Permit Data for February 2016, 2017 and 2018
RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated March 12, 2018 from the General Manager of Planning and Development titled "Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (February 2018)", BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION.
Consent Agenda
CONSENT AGENDA (FOR INFORMATION ONLY)D.1 Report: Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (February 2018)
Attachment: Building Permit Data for February 2016, 2017 and 2018
RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated March 12, 2018 from the General Manager of Planning and Development titled "Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (February 2018)", BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION.
G.1 City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8946, 2018
Subject: To reinstate a $70 fee for the installation or alteration to City Services (water, sewer, storm sewer) into Schedule A-1.
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8946, 2018", BE GRANTED FINAL READING AND ADOPTION.
G.2 1280 - 6th Avenue Road Closure Bylaw No. 8909, 2018
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 1280 - 6th Avenue
RECOMMENDATION: That "1280-6th Avenue Road Closure Bylaw No. 8909, 2018", BE GRANTED FINAL READING AND ADOPTION.
Item G
BYLAWS - FINAL READING AND ADOPTIONG.1 City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8946, 2018
Subject: To reinstate a $70 fee for the installation or alteration to City Services (water, sewer, storm sewer) into Schedule A-1.
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8946, 2018", BE GRANTED FINAL READING AND ADOPTION.
G.2 1280 - 6th Avenue Road Closure Bylaw No. 8909, 2018
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 1280 - 6th Avenue
RECOMMENDATION: That "1280-6th Avenue Road Closure Bylaw No. 8909, 2018", BE GRANTED FINAL READING AND ADOPTION.
H.1 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Mayor Leo Facio, Village of Harrison Hot Springs: New Municipal Tax Classes - Submission for Lower Mainland Local Government Association 2018 Convention
H.2 Correspondence dated February 28, 2018 from Mayor Aaron Stone, Town of Ladysmith: Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
H.3 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Mayor Leo Facio, Village of Harrison Hot Springs: Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
H.4 Correspondence dated February 13, 2018 from Deputy Chief Administrative Officer John Ward, City of Courtenay: 2018 Resolution - Asset Management
H.5 Correspondence dated March 8, 2018 from Mayor Janice Brown, Township of Spallumcheen: Human Trafficking Task Force
H.6 Correspondence dated March 14, 2018 from Mayor Nicole Read: City of Maple Ridge: Employer Health Tax
H.7 Correspondence dated March 9, 2018 from President Wendy Booth, Union of British Columbia Municipalities: Provincial Response to the 2017 Resolutions Endorsed by the UBCM Membership at Convention
H.8 Correspondence dated March 7, 2018 from Alan Huang, Manager of Community Engagement, and Ashley Kroening, Director of Community Engagement, Arthritis Society: Annual Jingle Bell Walk and In-Kind Support of CN Centre Concourse Use
H.9 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Shaely Wilbur, President, North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA): Response regarding the City of Prince George's bid to host the 2019 NCLGA Convention
Item H
CORRESPONDENCEH.1 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Mayor Leo Facio, Village of Harrison Hot Springs: New Municipal Tax Classes - Submission for Lower Mainland Local Government Association 2018 Convention
H.2 Correspondence dated February 28, 2018 from Mayor Aaron Stone, Town of Ladysmith: Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
H.3 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Mayor Leo Facio, Village of Harrison Hot Springs: Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
H.4 Correspondence dated February 13, 2018 from Deputy Chief Administrative Officer John Ward, City of Courtenay: 2018 Resolution - Asset Management
H.5 Correspondence dated March 8, 2018 from Mayor Janice Brown, Township of Spallumcheen: Human Trafficking Task Force
H.6 Correspondence dated March 14, 2018 from Mayor Nicole Read: City of Maple Ridge: Employer Health Tax
H.7 Correspondence dated March 9, 2018 from President Wendy Booth, Union of British Columbia Municipalities: Provincial Response to the 2017 Resolutions Endorsed by the UBCM Membership at Convention
H.8 Correspondence dated March 7, 2018 from Alan Huang, Manager of Community Engagement, and Ashley Kroening, Director of Community Engagement, Arthritis Society: Annual Jingle Bell Walk and In-Kind Support of CN Centre Concourse Use
H.9 Correspondence dated March 6, 2018 from Shaely Wilbur, President, North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA): Response regarding the City of Prince George's bid to host the 2019 NCLGA Convention
1. Information from Administration
2. Presentation by Applicant
3. Representations by Members of Gallery
4. Resolution on granting of permit or license (if appropriate)
Subject: Development Permit Application No. DP100624
Applicant: Bruce Johnston for 1127695 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC1127695
Location: 1616 8th Avenue
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Permit No. DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "C" to DP100624
APPROVE Downtown Development Permit No. DP100624 for the property legally described as Parcel D (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, see CA6324065), District Lot 343, Block 180, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as shown on Exhibit "A", "B", and "C" to DP100624 to facilitate a mixed use building; and
APPROVE the variances to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 for the property legally described as Parcel D (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, see CA6324065), District Lot 343, Block 180, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as follows:
Vary Table 7- 5 to reduce the required loading spaces from one (1) to zero (0), as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100624.
Vary Section 11.8.5 2. to increase the maximum site coverage from 30% to 45%, as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100624.
Item E.1
INFORMAL HEARINGS - COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M.1. Information from Administration
2. Presentation by Applicant
3. Representations by Members of Gallery
4. Resolution on granting of permit or license (if appropriate)
Subject: Development Permit Application No. DP100624
Applicant: Bruce Johnston for 1127695 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC1127695
Location: 1616 8th Avenue
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Permit No. DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to DP100624
Attachment: Exhibit "C" to DP100624
APPROVE Downtown Development Permit No. DP100624 for the property legally described as Parcel D (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, see CA6324065), District Lot 343, Block 180, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as shown on Exhibit "A", "B", and "C" to DP100624 to facilitate a mixed use building; and
APPROVE the variances to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 for the property legally described as Parcel D (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, see CA6324065), District Lot 343, Block 180, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as follows:
Vary Table 7- 5 to reduce the required loading spaces from one (1) to zero (0), as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100624.
Vary Section 11.8.5 2. to increase the maximum site coverage from 30% to 45%, as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100624.
Item E.2 - Subject: Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100496
Applicant: Duaine and Cheryl Yezovich
Location: 7912 Sabyam Road
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Variance Permit No. VP100496
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100496
RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Variance Permit No. VP100496 to vary City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 for the property legally described Lot 13, District Lot 2424, Cariboo District, Plan 9563 as follows:
Vary Section 9.5.4 1. by decreasing the minimum lot width from 35.0 metres to 28.5 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100496; and
Vary Section 9.5.4 2. by decreasing the minimum lot area from 0.4 hectares to 0.34 hectares, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100496.
Item E.2
Subject: Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100496Applicant: Duaine and Cheryl Yezovich
Location: 7912 Sabyam Road
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Variance Permit No. VP100496
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to VP100496
RECOMMENDATION: That Council APPROVE Variance Permit No. VP100496 to vary City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 for the property legally described Lot 13, District Lot 2424, Cariboo District, Plan 9563 as follows:
Vary Section 9.5.4 1. by decreasing the minimum lot width from 35.0 metres to 28.5 metres, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100496; and
Vary Section 9.5.4 2. by decreasing the minimum lot area from 0.4 hectares to 0.34 hectares, as shown on Exhibit "A" to VP100496.
Item E.3 - Subject: Development Permit Application No. DP100592
Applicant: 1046504 BC Ltd. for Harold and Betty MacLaren
Location: 1710 5th Avenue
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Permit No. DP100592
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to DP100592
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to DP100592
Submission: Correspondence dated March 18, 2018 from Michael and Benita Le Morvan in support of the application
APPROVE Multiple Residential Form and Character Development Permit No. DP100592 for the property legally described as Parcel B (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, See CA5118164), Block 156, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as shown on Exhibit "A" to DP100592 to facilitate multiple residential development;
APPROVE the variances to the "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described as Parcel B (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, See CA5118164), Block 156, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as follows:
Vary Section 10.11.5 6. to decrease the minimum interior side yard from 3.0 metres to 2.5 metres, as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100592; and
Vary Section 10.11.5 7. to decrease the minimum exterior side yard from 3.0 metres to 2.1 metres as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100592.
Item E.3
Subject: Development Permit Application No. DP100592Applicant: 1046504 BC Ltd. for Harold and Betty MacLaren
Location: 1710 5th Avenue
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Development Permit No. DP100592
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to DP100592
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to DP100592
Submission: Correspondence dated March 18, 2018 from Michael and Benita Le Morvan in support of the application
APPROVE Multiple Residential Form and Character Development Permit No. DP100592 for the property legally described as Parcel B (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, See CA5118164), Block 156, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as shown on Exhibit "A" to DP100592 to facilitate multiple residential development;
APPROVE the variances to the "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007" for the property legally described as Parcel B (Being a Consolidation of Lots 13 and 14, See CA5118164), Block 156, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268, as follows:
Vary Section 10.11.5 6. to decrease the minimum interior side yard from 3.0 metres to 2.5 metres, as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100592; and
Vary Section 10.11.5 7. to decrease the minimum exterior side yard from 3.0 metres to 2.1 metres as shown on Exhibit "B" to DP100592.
Item E.4 - Subject: Liquor License Application No. LL100145
Applicant: Walter McCue for NLH Investments Inc., Inc. No. BC09835479
Location: 2595 Queensway (Cowboy Ranch Pub and Cookhouse)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" Resolution for LL100145
Attachment: Liquor Licence and Control Board - Application for a Permanent Change to a Liquor Licence
RECOMMENDATION: Be it resolved that:
The Council supports the amendment of the hours of liquor service from midnight to 1:00 am Friday to Saturday for the Cowboy Ranch Cookhouse, located at 2595 Queensway, for the following reasons:
This application is not expected to have a negative impact on the community or produce any significant negative land use impacts on adjacent properties.
The Council's comments on the prescribed considerations are as set out in the March 7, 2018 staff report from Ian Wells, General Manager of Planning and Development for Liquor Licence Application No. LL100145.
The methods used to gather the views of residents are as follows: The views of residents were collected in a Public Hearing held on March 26, 2018 in Council Chambers. The public notice for this hearing included 1) a sign was posted on the property ten (10) days prior to the hearing, 2) written notification to owners and tenants in occupation of all parcels within the area that was the subject of the application, and within a distance of thirty (30) metres from the land that was subject of this application ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and 3) advertisements were placed in two (2) consecutive issues of a newspaper, not less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) days before the hearing. The views of residents are as summarized in the minutes of the Public Hearing held on March 26, 2018.
Item E.4
Subject: Liquor License Application No. LL100145Applicant: Walter McCue for NLH Investments Inc., Inc. No. BC09835479
Location: 2595 Queensway (Cowboy Ranch Pub and Cookhouse)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" Resolution for LL100145
Attachment: Liquor Licence and Control Board - Application for a Permanent Change to a Liquor Licence
RECOMMENDATION: Be it resolved that:
The Council supports the amendment of the hours of liquor service from midnight to 1:00 am Friday to Saturday for the Cowboy Ranch Cookhouse, located at 2595 Queensway, for the following reasons:
This application is not expected to have a negative impact on the community or produce any significant negative land use impacts on adjacent properties.
The Council's comments on the prescribed considerations are as set out in the March 7, 2018 staff report from Ian Wells, General Manager of Planning and Development for Liquor Licence Application No. LL100145.
The methods used to gather the views of residents are as follows: The views of residents were collected in a Public Hearing held on March 26, 2018 in Council Chambers. The public notice for this hearing included 1) a sign was posted on the property ten (10) days prior to the hearing, 2) written notification to owners and tenants in occupation of all parcels within the area that was the subject of the application, and within a distance of thirty (30) metres from the land that was subject of this application ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and 3) advertisements were placed in two (2) consecutive issues of a newspaper, not less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) days before the hearing. The views of residents are as summarized in the minutes of the Public Hearing held on March 26, 2018.
1. Information from Administration
2. Presentation by Applicant
3. Representations by Members of Gallery
4. Closure of Hearing
5. Third Reading of Bylaw (if appropriate)
F.1 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100574 (Bylaw No. 8901)
Applicant: Paul Wilson for Hart Hwy Crossing Developments Ltd., Inc. No. BC1132185
Location: 7205 Dagg Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100574 (Bylaw No. 8901) (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8901, 2018
Submission: Correspondence dated March 20, 2018 from Cole Anderson in opposition to the application
Submission: Correspondence from Brian Giese in opposition to the application
Submission: Correspondence dated March 19, 2018 from Dorothy Giese in opposition to the application
F.2 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8901, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8901, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.1 & F.2
FORMAL PUBLIC HEARINGS - COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M.1. Information from Administration
2. Presentation by Applicant
3. Representations by Members of Gallery
4. Closure of Hearing
5. Third Reading of Bylaw (if appropriate)
F.1 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100574 (Bylaw No. 8901)
Applicant: Paul Wilson for Hart Hwy Crossing Developments Ltd., Inc. No. BC1132185
Location: 7205 Dagg Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100574 (Bylaw No. 8901) (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8901, 2018
Submission: Correspondence dated March 20, 2018 from Cole Anderson in opposition to the application
Submission: Correspondence from Brian Giese in opposition to the application
Submission: Correspondence dated March 19, 2018 from Dorothy Giese in opposition to the application
F.2 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8901, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8901, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.3 & F.4 - F.3 Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100581 (Bylaw No. 8932)
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 2880 15th Avenue
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100581, Bylaw No. 8932 (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to RZ100581
F.4 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8932, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8932, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.3 & F.4
F.3 Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100581 (Bylaw No. 8932)Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 2880 15th Avenue
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100581, Bylaw No. 8932 (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to RZ100581
F.4 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8932, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8932, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.5 & F.6 - F.5 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100576 (Bylaw No. 8925, 2018)
Applicant: Prince George Regional Art Gallery Association and City of Prince George
Location: 725 Canada Games Way
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100576 (Bylaw No. 8925, 2018) (Considered by Council at the February 19, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8925, 2018
Attachment: Letter from Applicant
F.6 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8925, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8925, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.5 & F.6
F.5 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100576 (Bylaw No. 8925, 2018)Applicant: Prince George Regional Art Gallery Association and City of Prince George
Location: 725 Canada Games Way
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100576 (Bylaw No. 8925, 2018) (Considered by Council at the February 19, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8925, 2018
Attachment: Letter from Applicant
F.6 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8925, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8925, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.7 & F.8 - F.7 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100582 (Bylaw No. 8933, 2018)
Applicant: Keith Good for Elliot and Rita Sexsmith
Location: 6303 Giscome Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100582 (Bylaw No. 8933, 2018) (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8933, 2018
F.8 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8933, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8933, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.7 & F.8
F.7 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100582 (Bylaw No. 8933, 2018)Applicant: Keith Good for Elliot and Rita Sexsmith
Location: 6303 Giscome Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100582 (Bylaw No. 8933, 2018) (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8933, 2018
F.8 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8933, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8933, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.9 & F.10 - F.9 Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100579, Bylaw No. 8931
Applicant: Creuzot Homes & Construction Ltd., Inc. No. BC0489884
Location: 663 Carney Street
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100579, Bylaw No. 8931 (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8931, 2018
F.10 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8931, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8931, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.9 & F.10
F.9 Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100579, Bylaw No. 8931Applicant: Creuzot Homes & Construction Ltd., Inc. No. BC0489884
Location: 663 Carney Street
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100579, Bylaw No. 8931 (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8931, 2018
F.10 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8931, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8931, 2018" BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.11 - F.13 - F.11 Subject: Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Bylaw No. 8703, 2017) and Rezoning Application No. RZ100504 (Bylaw No. 8704, 2017)
Applicant: 280021 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC0280021
Location: 4918 Highway 16 West
Report: Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Amendment Bylaw No. 8703)
Attachment: Newspaper Notice
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Bylaw No. 8703, 2017) and Rezoning Application No. RZ100504 (Bylaw No. 8704, 2017) (Considered by Council at the December 4, 2017 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "B" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "C" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8704
F.12 Bylaw: City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8703, 2017 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8703, 2017", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
F.13 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8704, 2017 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8704, 2017", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.11 - F.13
F.11 Subject: Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Bylaw No. 8703, 2017) and Rezoning Application No. RZ100504 (Bylaw No. 8704, 2017)Applicant: 280021 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC0280021
Location: 4918 Highway 16 West
Report: Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Amendment Bylaw No. 8703)
Attachment: Newspaper Notice
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100113 (Bylaw No. 8703, 2017) and Rezoning Application No. RZ100504 (Bylaw No. 8704, 2017) (Considered by Council at the December 4, 2017 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "B" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "C" to Bylaw No. 8703
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8704
F.12 Bylaw: City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8703, 2017 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 8703, 2017", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
F.13 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8704, 2017 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8704, 2017", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.14 - F.16 - F.14 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100572 (Bylaw No. 8942) and Land Use Contract No. LU000044 (Bylaw No. 8943)
Applicant: Ebenezer Enterprises Inc. for Duk Hong Kim and Myung Soon Kim
Location: 9912 Sintich Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100572 (Bylaw No. 8942) and Land Use Contract No. LU000044 (Bylaw No. 8943) (Considered by Council at the February 19, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8942
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8943
Attachment: Bylaw No. 3034, 1977 (Land Title Office Document Number N1363)
Attachment: Bylaw No. 3319, 1978 (Land Title Office Document Number 0990)
Attachment: Bylaw No. 4715, 1986 (Land Title Office Document Number Y17477)
F.15 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018 (Third Reading)
Council AMEND "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018" by deleting the words "C4I: Highway Commercial" throughout the bylaw and replacing with the words "C6I: Highway Commercial; and
"City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING AS AMENDED.
F.16 Bylaw: Authorization Issuance Land Use Contract No. N1363, By-Law No. 3034, 1977; No. 0990, By-Law No. 3319, 1978; No. Y17477, Bylaw No. 4715, 1986, Discharge Bylaw No. 8943, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "Authorization Issuance Land Use Contract No. N1363, By-Law No. 3034, 1977; No. 0990, By-Law No. 3319, 1978; No. Y17477, Bylaw No. 4715, 1986, Discharge Bylaw No. 8943, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.14 - F.16
F.14 Subject: Rezoning Application No. RZ100572 (Bylaw No. 8942) and Land Use Contract No. LU000044 (Bylaw No. 8943)Applicant: Ebenezer Enterprises Inc. for Duk Hong Kim and Myung Soon Kim
Location: 9912 Sintich Road
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Rezoning Application No. RZ100572 (Bylaw No. 8942) and Land Use Contract No. LU000044 (Bylaw No. 8943) (Considered by Council at the February 19, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Location and Existing Zoning Map
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8942
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8943
Attachment: Bylaw No. 3034, 1977 (Land Title Office Document Number N1363)
Attachment: Bylaw No. 3319, 1978 (Land Title Office Document Number 0990)
Attachment: Bylaw No. 4715, 1986 (Land Title Office Document Number Y17477)
F.15 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018 (Third Reading)
Council AMEND "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018" by deleting the words "C4I: Highway Commercial" throughout the bylaw and replacing with the words "C6I: Highway Commercial; and
"City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8942, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING AS AMENDED.
F.16 Bylaw: Authorization Issuance Land Use Contract No. N1363, By-Law No. 3034, 1977; No. 0990, By-Law No. 3319, 1978; No. Y17477, Bylaw No. 4715, 1986, Discharge Bylaw No. 8943, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "Authorization Issuance Land Use Contract No. N1363, By-Law No. 3034, 1977; No. 0990, By-Law No. 3319, 1978; No. Y17477, Bylaw No. 4715, 1986, Discharge Bylaw No. 8943, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.17 & F.18 - F.17 Subject: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 6th Avenue and George Street
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018 (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Appendix "A" - City of Prince George drawing showing proposed Road Closures
Attachment: Exhibit "A" - City of Prince George drawing showing proposed Consolidation
Attachment: Exhibit "B" - Location Map
Attachment: Exhibit "C" - Ortho Location Map
F.18 Bylaw: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.17 & F.18
F.17 Subject: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 6th Avenue and George Street
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018 (Considered by Council at the March 5, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Appendix "A" - City of Prince George drawing showing proposed Road Closures
Attachment: Exhibit "A" - City of Prince George drawing showing proposed Consolidation
Attachment: Exhibit "B" - Location Map
Attachment: Exhibit "C" - Ortho Location Map
F.18 Bylaw: 6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "6th Avenue and George Street A&T Project Road Closure Bylaw No. 8938, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.19 & F.20 - F.19 Subject: Repeal the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993;
Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947); and
Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018)
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: City Wide
Report: Consultation for the repeal of the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993, and consequential amendments to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947), and City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018)
Attachment: Distribution Area (Appendix "A" and "B" to Bylaw No. 8947)
Attachment: Newspaper Notice
Attachment: Request for Comment Letter
Attachment: Correspondence Received
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Repeal the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993; Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947); and Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018) (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8947
Attachment: Appendix "B" to Bylaw No. 8947
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to RZ100588
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to RZ100588
Attachment: Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993
F.20 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8947, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8947, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
Items F.19 & F.20
F.19 Subject: Repeal the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993;Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947); and
Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018)
Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: City Wide
Report: Consultation for the repeal of the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993, and consequential amendments to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947), and City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018)
Attachment: Distribution Area (Appendix "A" and "B" to Bylaw No. 8947)
Attachment: Newspaper Notice
Attachment: Request for Comment Letter
Attachment: Correspondence Received
Report: Previously Submitted Staff Report: Repeal the City of Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993; Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007 (Rezoning Application No. RZ100588, Bylaw No. 8947); and Consequential amendment to the City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004 (Bylaw No. 8950, 2018) (Considered by Council at the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting)
Attachment: Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 8947
Attachment: Appendix "B" to Bylaw No. 8947
Attachment: Exhibit "A" to RZ100588
Attachment: Exhibit "B" to RZ100588
Attachment: Prince George Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 6091, 1993
F.20 Bylaw: City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8947, 2018 (Third Reading)
RECOMMENDATION: That "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 8947, 2018", BE GRANTED THIRD READING.
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